Monday, August 08, 2005


Hmm, so I was informed that, outside of the obvious definition of happy endings, there is also a slang version too. This is basically slang for a massage that ends with the masseuse providing pleasure above and beyond the call of duty, particularly for a male.

I suppose that changes some of what Happy Endings is all about, but not really. (It does include scenes at a massage parlor).

I also forgot to mention the tiny details of using Hotmail and MapQuest in Broken Flowers. Again, aside from the main arc of the story, Jarmusch has a keen eye on how people live today. I used to fear trying to find my ways to new locations. I didn't use a map. I didn't write directions down.

Nowadays, like many people, I use, say Yahoo Maps or Google Maps to navigate. The downside of it all---I don't have a global sense of where everything is.

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