Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I was watching American Idol for the first time, live. I couldn't help it. I just had to see him. You know. That guy.


Oh the humanity!

So I caught half of American Idol last night. The show is something of a sprint. Each person sings two minutes, and the judging is another minute or two. It's pretty quick, actually.

Unlike, say, Mr. Tony, who has been watching this entire season, I've not established a firm opinion on everyone. For example, I listened to Haley, and she seemed "eh" and the same with Jordin. The judges more or less said the same.

When Blake came on, I didn't like his look, but I thought he sounded pretty good. The entirety of Mr. Tony's cast hated it, while the entirety of the American Idol judging loved his performance. But then, I had few preconceptions of how Blake was. I thought it captured the essence of the song. Not perfect, but pretty good.

Randy said Sanjaya was the smartest contestant. And in a sense, he was. He sang his song mostly in Spanish, then ventured (awfully) into English. It's a quiet song, and he emoted just enough, and sounded like he pronounced the Spanish words quite well, that he did a credible job. I know. Low expectations. It's smart to start off badly but stay on week after week because anything above that sound pretty darn good.

Who's that woman on Mr. Tony? She's now using tons of Mr. Tony-isms. I dunno. Doesn't work well with me. Too much empathy, I think. What's her name? Jeannie McManus? Or something.

I must go to a confession soon.

And I'm not even Catholic.

Bless me father for I have sinned. I had to see...Sanjaya!

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