Friday, March 09, 2007

When Worlds Collide

OK, technically nothing so melodramatic as "worlds". I was surfing the web as I am wont to do looking up stuff about Brian Postow, a fella I once went to grad school with (with whom I went to grad school). I suppose we taught a few classes together as well.

Somehow this lead to one Mr. Aaron Swartz reminiscing about the first time he posted to Usenet. The discussion, so I'm lead to believe, is about Beakman's World vs. Bill Nye the Science Guy. Somehow, in this first post, he references Brian Postow, and I know it's the same guy because of the machine he posted from. This was 1994 mind you, over 10 years ago. To be fair, Aaron's post is from 2002, nearly 5 years ago, so he probably only vaguely recalls this journey down memory lane.

I don't really know Aaron at all except that he's one of the reddit guys and I read reddit daily. I suppose I saw him in the Aardvark'd video when the documentary took a Bizarro twist and began to (briefly) chronicle the Y Combinator guys in the early stages of reddit.

I'm sure Aaron didn't know Brian from anyone, nor did Brian somehow make this connection, but here I am to unify these two gentleman in ways unforeseen.

And for what purpose?

Only that it amuses me.

That is all.

1 comment:

AaronSw said...

I appreciate the amusement. :-)