Sunday, February 05, 2006

Why Blogs Suck

I've been blogging a few months now, and even from the get-go, I knew the blogging software out there generally sucked. Blogs have a certain format that just doesn't work out well for a lot of things.

For example, blogs are dated. Suppose I were interested in writing, oh, I dunno, movie reviews. Maybe I'd want to gather them together in one spot, and have readers find that section. Or I might be writing a tutorial, and I want to build that up over time. Blogs don't support that (at least, Blogger doesn't).

Or maybe I want a list of things to put down, like movies I want to see. Or books I own.

And really, blog titles and opening paragraphs should serve merely as teasers. I write long blogs, which means a person has to scroll way down to read the next article. It should be like a newspaper, and point to lengthier versions elsewhere.

In fact, I'd rather compose my articles more like a magazine, not as a diary, writing various articles and packaging it up in various ways. But apparently, blogging isn't at that stage.

It just seems like something someone could do that would make blogging so much nicer.

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