Monday, April 14, 2008

Fuzzy Yellow Balls

There are a lot of tennis instruction on the web these days. Many purport to tell you how to hit like the pros--but at a price. Depending on who provides the material, that price can be exorbitant, using a fee per month structure to access content.

However, there is a free site out there that has pretty solid content.

By the title of this blog entry, you might have guessed the website's name. Fuzzy Yellow Balls.

OK, so the name of the website is a double entre, suggesting both, real tennis balls, and something a bit more anatomic. The website is mostly hosted by a guy named Will Hamilton, and as luck would have it, he coaches right near this neck of the woods in College Park.

For a free website, the production values are amazing. It combines graphics, with Will standing in front of split screen, to overhead shots. In addition to the instruction available (did I mention that it's free?), his points are pretty insightful, meaning it's a step beyond the kinds of things you'd see at other websites.

Where, say, Tomaz Mencinger's site (TennisMindGame) is focused to beginners, and offering advice on how beginners can hit shots, Hamilton's site presents material at all levels, and points out all sorts of interesting things.

And he's a huge Transformers fan. Gotta tell Jeff about this guy.

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