Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I was watching the Today show this morning for a few minutes. There was an insipid segment on fashion, where women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s were wearing various fashions. I found this rather despicable for several reasons.

First, the women were all thin. Heaven forbid that there would be a plus sized women wearing fashion. They all have to be thin and look a lot younger than they purport to be.

Second, of course, is the fashion itself. On the one hand, I suppose I don't mind people wanting to look good, but fashion pushes itself to an extreme. In other words, certain clothing are popular this year. The notion being that you need to keep up with your clothing, dumping old clothing each year, spending lots of bucks for trends that last a few months.

Thanks, Today Show for encouraging this to the world.

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