Sunday, October 01, 2006


I've been wondering when someone would finally write a book on Textmate. Textmate is an IDE of sorts for the Mac. People who work on Ruby on Rails (DHH, Dave Thomas) swear by it. I was reluctant to get it, because it cost money, but then I said what the heck. Alas, like many products out there, there was scanty documentation. I wish waterboarding suffering on those who release products without books. Alas, I shouldn't make such comments as waterboarding is torture.

The guys at Pragmatic Programmers finally realized people wanted a real book on this, and while it's not scheduled to be published until next February, the PDF beta version is available now. This has made me a happy camper.

Basically, Textmate, so I'm told, is like emacs on steroids. More of a throwback to keyboard based manipulation, rather than the modern trend to GUIs and buttons and everything. I would like to say more, except the documentation is so rudimentary, and my patience to learn it so low, that I don't even want to bother.

Now, alas, I don't have to.

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