Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Boy Meets Grill

There's this website called Stuff White People Like, which, except for Justin, seems universally liked.

As this was Memorial Day Weekend, I have at least one more thing to add to the list. Grilling. White people like to grill. When I think of Memorial Day, I think of long weekend or increased gas prices. A few people might even think of, you know, the guys who died in war. But much like folks think of Easter as bunnies and eggs, folks also think of grilling.

Grilling is considered guy cooking. Guys cook outdoors, set up the grill, which involves fire, which is, alas, too dangerous for women (back off!).

My parents, not brought up in this tradition, despite decades of living in the US, did not grill, but that was OK by me. I was chilling mostly, hitting tennis balls against a wall, contemplating the mysteries of the flight of a little yellow ball.

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