Thursday, September 06, 2007


Over the years, you've seen a few Croatians, most notably, Goran Ivanesevic. But the most famous Serbian was someone who preferred to call herself American, and that was Monica Seles.

Now, out of nowhere, comes the remarkable Novak Djokovic. Often left unsaid during the Rafa-Roger matches where the two guys met each other in the French finals then the Wimbledon finals was Novak Djokovic was in the semifinals. Had Rafa managed to win, he might have meet Djokovic for the third time in three consecutive Slams. But now Djokovic gets a chance to move forward to meet Ferrer, who gave fits to Nadal, running shots down.

And, much like Andy Roddick, one way to endear yourself to the crowd is to impersonate the ticks and mannerisms of other players.

It's rare for post-match interviews to go beyond the basic questions about how the match went, what turning points there were. But Michael Barkann is a bit of a goof, and asked Novak to do his impersonations, first of Sharapova (I wonder if Roddick has women in his impersonation), followed by Rafael Nadal, including his famous butt picking wedgie that everyone seems to know, with Djokovic playing it up to big effect.

Indeed, it's pretty heady for a 20 year old to do this, and not get too embarassed.

And the guy plays good tennis, too.

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